OMB Back from Hiatus
In an early May editorial, I mentioned that I'd be away for about three months over the course of this year while finishing my MFA in Visual Arts at an art school somewhere in the Boston area. Given that Open Media Boston is still a small operation with just your faithful Editor/Publisher as its sole paid staff, we tend to slow down a lot when I'm otherwise indisposed. And I've been quite busy for the last six weeks. But my penultimate school residency is now over - just my thesis residency still before me at the end of the fall semester - and I've had a few days to decompress. So naturally my thoughts turn to restarting this publication. All well and good, but early July is rather a slow time for news - especially the kind of activist news we typically cover. Given that, expect something in our News section sometime in the next few days, and we'll plan to get back on a weekly schedule by mid-month. As always, I encourage our viewers to submit op-eds for our Opinion section to help us better reflect the communities we serve and plump up our summer offerings. And, by all means, let us know about any events you think we should be covering by dropping us an email at info [at] openmediaboston [dot] org. Naturally, if you're part of an organization be sure to add that email address to its press list if you haven't already. Otherwise, nice to be back and look forward to seeing many of you around town in the weeks to come.
Jason Pramas is Editor/Publisher of Open Media Boston