Open Media Boston

metro news from the ground up


The following statement was developed out of a September 8th meeting of the Boston May Day Committee:

The Boston May Day Committee stands with the Student Immigrant
Movement to assert that all students have an equal right to education
and to firmly oppose the discriminatory treatment of immigrant
students. BMDC also supports the outstanding leadership offered by SIM
in directly opposing anti-immigrant legislation. BMDC understands that
many pro-immigrant organizations also support the DREAM Act as a means
of redress for some students. As a pro-immigrant, pro-worker
organization, BMDC is concerned that the DREAM Act is compromised by
both its concessions to militarism and its attempt to create a special
category of “deserving” students and immigrants. BMDC will therefore
support SIM in its direct actions to end discrimination while
accepting but not endorsing SIM’s decision to promote the DREAM Act.
We look forward to joining SIM in the streets as we build power in
support of all working people.

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