Open Media Boston

metro news from the ground up

Help build the WTR community

Start: 08/14/2012 - 08:00 End: 08/14/2012 - 20:59 Timezone: Etc/GMT-5 NWTRCC is seeking a freelance worker to help spread our name message and information about war tax resistance and refusal to a wider audience through online social media. NWTRCC would like to reach a younger activist audience with the goal of bringing new energy ideas and activism to the war tax resistance movement. See the full job description and application information at Feel free to forward that link to your lists or individuals who might be interested in applying. Peace! Ruth Benn Coordinator National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee PO Box 150553 Brooklyn NY 11215 800-269-7464 Sponsoring Organization: NWTRCCEvent Website:

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