Boston Globe Wrongly has Endorsed Joe Malone For Congress
Massachusetts Whistleblower at Oversight Watch Massachusetts Massachusetts: Government/Business/ Labor Oversight This blog is dedicated to all Massachuestts citizens striving for Government Businesss and Labor Accountabiity and Oversight in the continual battle against.waste fraud and abuse. BOSTON GLOBE EDITORIAL BOARD ENDORSES JOE MALONE FOR CONGRESS.....THE JOE MALONE AS STATE TREASURER THAT HAD A SCANDAL IN HIS OFFICE AND HAD QUESTIONABLE DEALINGS WITH $$$$$ BILLIONS IN EMPLOYEE AND TAXPAYER PENSION INVESTMENTS....THE GLOBE DID NOT EVEN CHECK THEIR ARCHIVES BEFORE ENDORSING AND PRAISING MALONE???? The Boston Globe Editorial Board has reached a new depth.This is on the same level as former Globe Columnist Jon Keller accused the Board being "In The Tank" on the BIG DIG. These are the facts. Joe Malone was constantly reported in this newspaper for mishandling Pension Investments Employee Deferred Compensation Investments and Patronage Hiring of investment advisers. This endorsement and stating Malone made improvements in dealing with pension moneys of taxpayers and employees is false. Those who had to be victimized by the Malone years and every taxpayer should be insulted by this fictional approval of Malone. Those who battle inefficiency waste and mismanagement fraud and abuse in Government Operations should note and be dubious of the Boston Globe Editorial Board as an place to seek assistance for wrongdoing. I challenge to be corrected Bookmark/Search this post with: Delicious Digg StumbleUpon Reddit Newsvine Facebook Google Yahoo Technorati