Snow Week at OMB
Well, looks like Open Media Boston is taking one more week off. The event we were going to cover in our News section got snowed out by the blizzard that's just calming down as I write. And I'm finishing up my winter academic residency. So, as I mentioned last week, we're happy to publish some fresh op-eds ... and I'll also remind everyone that comments to any articles we've already got up are always welcome. Other than that, if you need some food for thought until we get some new content posted, I'd recommend reading up on the circumstances surrounding the recent Arizona shootings - and thinking about how we can grow the American left enough to make such excesses by the lunatic fringe of the right-wing less likely. Quite a nut (d'oh!) to crack, I know. But worth expending some collective brain power on nonetheless. Have a good week otherwise.
Jason Pramas is Editor/Publisher of Open Media Boston.