Massachusetts Foster Care System Continues to Fail
THE MASSACHUSETTS FOSTER CARE SYSTEM CONTINUES IN CRISIS WHETHER THE DEMOCRATS OR REPUBLICANS ARE IN CONTROL. NO OR LITTLE ACCOUNTABILITY OR OVERSIGHT RULES OVER THE QUESTIONAL OPERATION OF VENDORS AND PROVIDERS Concern Care and Compassion must be the first priority for children in peril at all times in the Foster Care System. The current Massachusetrts System of Foster care is in failure. Where there is failure in the current system is not addressed. There is waste fraud and abuse in several areas. They include questionable persons in peril themselves providing services profiteering from the system such as providers and vendors that have little accountability or oversight. The state has destroyed its own safety net to provide direct services and is dependent of the monopoly of those who do provide services. We must highlight the true angels of mercy who provide the most compassionate human services. However there is failure to address the broken system and offer solutions for the failure and profiteering exploitation. The current system has become a continual failure from Democratic and Republican Administrations that come and go ruled by Political Administrations and not Managers who manage and maintain continuity no matter who holds reins of Massachusetts Government. Bookmark/Search this post with: Delicious Digg StumbleUpon Reddit Newsvine Facebook Google Yahoo Technorati