Well, sort of. I wasn’t at THE White House Conference on Aging (which is to be held in July): I was at the fifth and final regional consultation forum leading up to the actual Conference.
When I first met Brooklyn-born Bernie Sanders, he was a pretty marginal figure in his adopted state of Vermont. It was 1976 and he was running, unsuccessfully and for the fourth time, as a candidate of the Liberty Union Party (LUP).
Somerville, Mass. – On March 11, some 50 residents, business owners and others marched and protested in Union Square to protest the ongoing planning process for Union Square redevelopment.
Harvard University’s Third Annual Gender & Sexuality Symposium, March 27, 2015
March 20 was the seventh anniversary of more-or-less continuous publication of Open Media Boston. I say "more or less" because we have had a number of periods where our publication of metro news and views has slowed to a trickle for a variety of reasons.
For ten years the residents of the Palestinian village of Bil’in have held weekly non-violent protests against the confiscation of their land and destruction of their olive trees.
Seeing the deplorable state of the MBTA this winter is like watching a poorly-made slasher film where the ending is obvious to everyone except the blundering, oblivious characters.
Because I keep getting frantic calls from parents about this, and even such usually sensible sources as NPR and National Geographic are calling out "anti-vaxxers" as irrational, deluded, or even anti-scientific, the worst insult of all, hitherto applied only to climate deniers and those other yah